nico discusses andy warhol...

...among other things, while severely intimidating this interviewer, lol. interviewer (I): you think, do do ah andy warhol do you think that he was responsible for setting up your career as a musician or...? the ahh Exploding Plastic you think he was uhh do do you still think he was responsible for setting up your settin’ you up in a musical career or...? nico (N): ahhhhh yes. (I): yeah *laughs* ahh what was ah your major influences in music? (N): well he’s uh mainly responsible that i started writing my songs because i didn’t want to be in his movies anymore. (I): ah what would you say were your major musical influences? if any... (N): pure music? (I): ah well no just tell me any influences.. (N): well it’s a range from classical to or and uh............ to free jazz. (I) .. on “Chelsea Girls“ you did uh “Keep You In Mind,“ it was said that Dylan wrote it for you, i don’t
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