5 Ways to Stop the Health Anxiety Cycle

Learn how to overcome Health Anxiety in our in-depth course: Everyone worries about their health sometimes. However, health anxiety can be a quite serious problem when it gets more entrenched. Health anxiety is an obsessive and irrational worry about having a serious medical condition. It’s also called illness anxiety, and it used to be called hypochondria. With health anxiety, you believe you have an illness that you don’t actually have. Another form of health anxiety is somatization disorder, where you interpret small bodily sensations as being a symptom of something serious. But health anxiety is a real paradox. There are some things a lot of people try to soothe their anxiety that actually feeds it. This is called the health anxiety cycle. But there is an escape - it’s just different from what you might think. In this video you’ll learn five things you might do that make health anxiety worse (and what to do instead).
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