Is Cyberpunk actually Punk?

BRILLIANT ➤ Get your first 30 days free, AND 20% off an annual prescription with the link above! Only the first 200 fans to sign up with the link above will get the discount, so definitely hurry before those slots fill up! — We’ve heard of Cyberpunk, Steampunk, Deiselpunk and friends… but what do any of those things mean? Why attach “punk” to them? What does that say about the genre? And why has that lead to such a massive variety of “punk” genres? ▬▬▬▬ Tale Foundry Community▬▬▬▬ Support us on Patreon! Come join our community! ▬▬▬▬ Tale Foundry Team ▬▬▬▬ • Talebot — The Talent • The Taleoids — The Talent’s Helpers • Benjamin Cook — Writer, Director, & Voice Actor • Abbie Norton — Art Director & Asset Artist (https://abbien
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