Resume 2D art twitter tumlbr talk to me on my Discord. Download this song by Jp Neufeld here And check out his youtube channel here Fun fact: this video is a single 90 second shot containing over 350 animsets. Yes. it got a little out of hand. This is a Saxxy entry. I originally intended to break my writers block by doing a spin on Kanye’ West’s Fantastic “Power“ music video, but things quickly snowballed out of control. All told this video actually only took about 3 days of real work to complete 99% of it. but by then the project file was so bloated that it would literally take 10-30 seconds simply to click on something. So eventually my frustration with the program overcame my desire to cram more stuff and polish in there. You’ll find this still syncs up well to the kanye song too. Major Props
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