Its 9AM Good Old Days #youtube #blogger

Get your FREE daily subscription here Tom Petty was a philosopher. Maybe most songwriters are. Waiting is the hardest part. If you are like me, you fill your mind with big giant to do’s. They loom like sentinels on the horizon. Big goals. Small goals. All the detritus that must be done to reach both big and small. And the dishes. And loading the car. And unloading the car. Cooking. Clothes. Sweeping. The Dog. Walking. Bathing. Feeding. You know the list. You live the list. Mine is overwhelming. Sometimes it feels like too much for one person to get done. Then I learn from a philosopher. You can’t always get what you want. I’m exploring something new today. Deloading. Tim Ferris taught me the concept. It is a phase of rest, of daydreaming and the intentional non-focus on goal related material. He said it’s tough to turn off your mind. I
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