Lost Wages an action thriller

Jack House is a professional gambler with a lucky streak about as wide as the head of a needle. His never give up attitude takes him on adventures and into situations most sane people would avoid. Seriously, if you got knocked down this many times the Universe is trying to send a message. But Jack loves the cards even if they don’t love him back and his momma didn’t raise a quitter. Set on the fringe of Vegas, Jack House is just trying to come up with rent money so he doesn’t have to trade his body to the senior citizen landlord holding his RV hostage. A lucky draw in Texas Hold Em leaves him flush with cash and ripe for the pickings of every predator that lurks on the strips of Vegas. All Jack wants to do is pay some bills, but the bright lights and neon starscape keep distracting him, not to mention more earthly pleasures that knock him down again and again. Jack’s Wild is a fun, irreverent ride that will make you laugh out loud abou
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