The Dome 128k (2002) Walkthrough, ZX Spectrum

This game mixes Nether Earth with Dune II, but is much more simple than any of these. You have one of the four bases on the battlefield, and to win the game you need to conquer the three other bases and destroy all enemies. You also need to produce harvesters you can send out to harvest and earn money. When one of the other bases is taken (by using a lot of firepower against the entrance door) you can immediately produce what ever you would like from that base. Controls: O = Left P = Right Q = Up A = Down ENTER = Action N = Return to base / Switch between conquered bases M = Map When the last base is conquered (when all enemies are destroyed), or the last enemy is eliminated (when all bases are taken) the game ends crashing into 48k Basic mode! - A simple “Congratulations“ screen would have been appreciated. The game was participant in the Your Game 2002 Competition where it got 4th place. It was made by Studio Stall and Beta Disk scl / trd
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