Panic Dizzy (1991 /128k AY Music version) 100% Walkthrough (+Info/ Instructions), ZX Spectrum

Dizzy in his Fantastic Toy Factory! Fit Magic Shapes into Grand Dizzy’s invention to make new and exiting toys! Panic Stations, Conveyor Belts, Vacuum Tubes and more! Amazingly addictive! Keep a cool head ... DON’T PANIC DIZZY! One day, GRAND DIZZY was putting the finishing touches to his brand new TOY MAKING INVENTION. “Just got to tighten this last nut and we’re ready ... oooOOOh ... eekk!“ shouted GRAND DIZZY as the spanner slipped and he fell to the floor. “UURGH!!“ moaned GRAND DIZZY, “I’ve got a CRACKING EGGACHE, now I’ll never finish testing my new TOY MAKING MACHINE. Whatever shall I do?!“ “Don’t Worry!“, replied DIZZY, “We’ll help you!“ So DIZZY, DAISY, DENZIL, DYLAN, DOZY and DORA helped GRAND DIZZY to the machine and manned their STATIONS. Whilst DIZZY grabbed the CONVEYOR BELT CONTROLLER, the others went upstairs and threw the MAGIC SHA
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