Azan - The Call For Prayers
In The Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Adhan is the first call to prayer. The Adhan is uttered in a loud, albeit sweet melodious, voice to announce to the faithful that it is time for the Obligatory Prayer and to invite them to offer the prayers. Those who perform Adhan are known as ’Muedhin.’ The honour of being the first Muedhin goes to Bilal, a black slave who converted to Islam. He had a very sweet, resonant and musical voice. He was appointed as Muedhin by the Prophet of Islam. The appointment of a black slave as the first person to call Muslims for prayers, shows that in Islam all human beings are treated as equals. Rich or poor, black or white, short or tall - all are equal in the eyes of Allah. It is the piety of each individual that makes the difference.
Adhan is recited in a loud voice by facing the direction of the Ka’ba in the following words, which are said in the order mentioned:
“Allahu Akbar“ - recited FOUR
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2 months ago 01:02:56 1
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