Sergey Paramonov “Smile“ (Улыбка)

Sergey Paramonov was solist of a Big Children Choir in Russia in 1972-1975. He was also called as Soviet Robertino Loretti. He was born in a very simple family. When Sergey was 10 years old, his grandmother took Sergey to the casting of a Big Childrens Choir. One year later Sergey was already the solist. He was really amazing - his voice was beautiful and singing honest, sensitive and very expressive. He was loved in all over the country, he was very-very popular. After his voice broke Sergey left from the choir. Other boys started to sing the songs that were written specially for him. Nobody needed him after leaving the choir. Life was absolutely empty for him. It was hard to sing in second places if you had experienced big stages behind. He couldnt find himself. When Sergey was 36 years old, he died. The song is called “Smile“. Smile starts friendship... Парамонов,_Сергей_Владимирович Sergei Paramonov oli Moskva Televisiooni ja Raadio Suure Lastekoori solist ja väga populaarne 70. aastatel. Peale häälemurret tuli koorist lahkuda. Argipäev osutus aga väga raskeks. Sergei suri 36. aastaselt suutmata end leida. Ojast saab alguse jõgi, kuid naeratusest saab alguse sõprus - laulusõnad.
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