E46 BMW M3: 5 things I love most, 5 biggest surprises

E46 BMW M3 loves: 1. The steering. 3:06 2. The engine. 4:44 3. The way it feels to drive. 7:29 4. Its singularity of purpose. 8:21 5. The way it looks. 8:45 E46 BMW M3 surprises: 1. With all this performance capability, I really can’t tap into it unless I’m on a track. 9:52 2. It’s reliability. 12:26 3. Passengers - unless also car freaks - hate riding in it. 13:28 4. Nobody knows what it is, except for car nuts like me. 14:17 5. It enables me to walk through life, satisfied that - for all my pro
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