A riot of nature has hit Turkey! Storm and hail scared people in Karatash

A riot of nature has hit Turkey! Storm and hail scared people in Karatash While the city center enjoyed spring weather, the coastal town of Karatash was hit by hail and rain. The sea changed color due to the heavy rain and hail, with parts appearing muddy while others remained blue. Citizens reported seeing such hail in Karatash for the first time, likening it to snowfall. Despite being a warm locale, snow is unheard of, but this hail was just as intense. Naturals hazards in 2023 have become more frequent. We do not know what awaits us in 2025. How global warming and climate change will affect our Earth. Watch the most current news about natural disasters on our channel. My private Instagram page, which is not connected with YouTube is The channel lists such natural disasters as: 1) Geological emergencies: Earthquake, Volcanic eruption, Mud, Landslide, Landslide, Avalanche; 2) Hydrological emergencies: Flood, Tsunami, Limnological disaster, Flood, Flood; 3) Fires: Forest fire, Peat fire; 4) Meteorological emergencies: Tornado, Cyclone, Blizzard, Hail, Drought, Tornado, Hail, Hurricane, Tsunami, Storm, Thunderstorm, Tempest. #Turkey #Antalya #wave #Karatash #Naturaldisasters #climatechange #weather #flood #storm #hurricane #news #rain
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