10 Incredible Cichlid Tank Setups (Peacocks & Hap Cichlids)
This video shows off 10 beautiful African cichlid tank setups, specifically peacocks & hap cichlids from Lake Malawi. A few of these African cichlid tanks are our own, but we also mixed in a few cichlid tanks from tours in the past, as well as a few special guests that are joining us today to discuss African cichlids.
When looking at Lake Malawi African cichlids, there are three main categories: mbuna, peacocks, and haps. Mbuna typically require more rockwork and decor in the tank, while peacocks and haps utilize open water much more and swim very actively in an aquarium. They also get pretty large, so large tanks are required for these African cichlids. We’ll highlight some more cool cichlid tank setups in our next video, which will focus more on mbuna cichlids.
Links below from the channels highlighted in today’s video. We’d recommend checking them out and subscribing if you haven’t already!
- Ben Ochart - @BenOchart
- Riffwaters - @Riffwaters
- Infinity Aquariums - @InfinityAquariums
- Cich Psyche - @CichPsyche
If you’re interested in any of the products used in our aquariums today or show throughout the video, feel free to check out the affiliate links below.
- Seachem Tidal 110:
- Sicce Syncra SDC 6.0 -
- Sicce XStream SDC -
- Sicce Ultra Zero Pump:
- Sicce Scuba Contactless heater -
- Python Water Changer:
- Xtreme Krill Flakes -
- Xtreme Big Fella Pellets -
- Xtreme Nice Pellets -
- Anubias Barteri -
- Java Fern -
- Windelov Java Fern -
- Chemi-Pure Green -
- Seachem Prime:
- Easy Green Fertilizer -
- Fritz Glass/Acrylic Cleaner:
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⏰ Timecodes ⏰
0:00 - Intro
0:58 - Troy’s 135g
3:10 - Alec’s 220g
4:35 - Ben Ochart
6:25 - Riffwaters
7:25 - Infinity Aquariums
8:15 - Cich Psyche #1
9:09 - Cich Psyche #2
9:59 - Nova Tropicals (LFS)
11:00 - Alec’s 125g
12:03 - Troy’s 75g
⚡️For zoom consultation inquires, or Business inquiries, please email ➡︎ @
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