Why Do Flowerhorns Grow Nuchal Humps (Big Heads)

Why do fish grow nuchal humps? I use scientific evidence and research to explain this phenomenon. ___________________________________________________________ Check out this tour of the most insane flowerhorn specialist store tour ever: Aquarium and fish farm tours playlist here: ____________________________________________________________ Enquiries: @ Follow me on Instagram: @SGBearded_Aquarist () ___________________________________________________________ References: 1. Lecaudey, L.A., Sturmbauer, C., Singh, P. et al. Molecular mechanisms underlying nuchal hump formation in dolphin cichlid, Cyrtocara moorii. Sci Rep 9, 20296 (2019). 2. Takahashi, Tetsumi. “Function of nuchal humps of a cichlid fish from Lake Tanganyika: inferences from morphological data.“ Ichthyological Research 65, no. 3 (2018): 316-323 3. Jonas, R. E. E., and E. Bilinski. “Ketone bodies in the blood of salmonoid fishes.“ Journal of the Fisheries Board of Canada 22, no. 4 (1965): 891-898.
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