FISH RESCUE! Saving our Jack Dempsey!

This is the story of our Jack Dempsey, which is a true rescue and survival story. We first found Jack in a neglected tank at our school due to a tragic death of a fellow teacher. This Jack Dempsey had survived months without food, proper filtration, or a heater. After cleaning the tank and upgrading tank sizes a few times, Jack has transformed into one of the most beautiful fish we’ve seen. If you’re interested in any of the products used in our aquariums today, feel free to check out the affiliate links below. Food - Xtreme Krill Flakes - - Xtreme Big Fella Pellets - - Xtreme Nice Pellets - Equipment - Aquarium Co-Op LED Light: - Sicce Syncra SDC 6.0 - - Sicce XStream SDC - - Seachem Tidal 110: - Sicce Ultra Zero Pump: - Python Water Changer: Plants - Anubias Barteri - - Java Fern - - Windelov Java Fern - - Plant Weights - Chemicals - Easy Green Fertilizer - - Fritz Glass/Acrylic Cleaner: Thanks again for watching!
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