Digital Speed Paint: Gollum | Fan Art | Fantasy Art

Smeagol, sweet Smeagol. He never meant any harm, he just wanted his precious, and the precious wanted him. It did, or it would not have stayed with him so long, it would not have kept him safe, nor given him sweet solace when the black moods took him and he was so, so alone. If not for the precious. I remember my first encounter with him, how the description of him had me recoiling as I read on, how his wickedness played out when he felt strong and how is pettiness grew as he felt challenged. How his hatred was so close to the surface, and how it took him over once he knew he had been betrayed. He would curse the name of Baggins, sure. But was is Bilbo he truly hated, for taking the ring? Or did his hatred direct itself at the object of all his desires. Maybe only in his hatred could he really see what getting what he wanted had truly cost him. This is a character from “The Lord of the Rings“ by J. R. R. Tolkien Support me on Patreon and find much more content there:
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