REFX Nexus VST Plugin isn’t Terrible but..

REFX Nexus has entered the fourth dimension but only after the update! Let’s be honest, the original update to 4 was lack luster! Now, they’ve added a few new features like OSC editing, FX routing/arranging, new rom extension 4, preset templates, random preset generator, and more. It’s a whole lot better but honestly. A lot of these features been in VST plugins FOREVER but at least Nexus has it now. REFX should look into expanding the sound design features some more to 3rd party developers. That would be nice. Our website: 0:00 random preset button 1:41 fx routing 2:28 generator inspector and editing OSC 3:42 new “blackhole“ effect and “hold“ feature 4:38 added new insert fx “wide mono“ 5:39 import and export arpeggio MIDI 6:48 keyzone , loading preset templates, sampler, but no drag n drop?? 8:50 keeping it real #refx #refxnexus #update
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