Making 12 Inch, 2.1 Million Volt “Captured Lightning“ Sculptures!

Комплекс уроков “Электричество“ [club51080272|Проект “Научная Критика“] [club51080272|Вся правда о сверхъединичных устройствах] This video shows our team of “Spark Whisperers“ making 12“ x 12“ x 1“ Lichtenberg figures. We charged the interiors of these specimens to over 2.1 million volts using a 5 MeV particle accelerator. They were then carefully discharged to create “Captured Lightning“ (Lichtenberg Figure) sculptures. Each specimen holds almost 1000 watt-seconds (joules) of electrostatic energy, or about 3X the maximum energy stored in a heart defibrillator. Although the main discharge only lasts for only about 300 billionth
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