Three B-24Ds attack enemy shipping in open water. Look at what 36 1000 pounders can do!
Please do have in mind that this is not supposed to be an accurate representation of reality. That is why the video title begins with “IL-2 1946“. I am aware of IL-2s flaws and there is no need to tell me of them. This is just a rough approximation of what such a raid could have been like, no history lesson.
This is a recording of a multiplayer mission in which three players took part. Thank you to:
# DarkenedFantasies & Tony Kito
Darky piloted “Puss ’n Boots“, Tony “Special Delivery“ and Fishyyy “So
...uthern Beauty“.
D indicates an attack by Darky, F one by Fishyyy and T one by Tony.
03:22 D1
03:32 D2 & F1
03:37 T1
03:45 F2
04:02 T2
04:57 D3
05:16 T3
05:33 D4
05:49 F3
06:36 T4
06:53 Darky attacked
07:28 Darky shot up
08:11 F4
08:30 T5
08:56 Tony attacked
09:21 Darky attacked
10:02 T6 & T7
10:39 F5
11:00 T8
11:14 Tony attacked
12:41 T9 & F6
13:26 F7
14:43 Darky got shotShow more