Classic Reboot: Cosmic DNA at the Origin with Chris H. Hardy

Chris H. Hardy, PhD, is a psychological anthropologist with a specialty in systems theory. She is author of Cosmic DNA at the Origin – A Hyperdimension Before the Big Bang: The Infinite Spiral Staircase Theory, and also The Sacred Network and Networks of Meaning. She also has worked as a parapsychological researcher at the Psychophysical Laboratory in Princeton, New Jersey. In this 2015 video, she describes how her intellectual journey led her to explore the fields of quantum physics and cosmology. The semantic fields, she theorized, existed outside of time and space although they were capable of operating within time and space. How could this be possible? She sought an answer by exploring in detail the formation of the universe as we know it through the big bang theory. She notes that, according to physics, no particles having mass can exist that are smaller than the Planck length. However, the universe itself is thought to have originated from a singularity much smaller than the Planck length. In this earl
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