J S Bach Orchestral Suite No. 2 — И С Бах Оркестровая Сюита №2 — BWV 1067

Orchestral suite No. 2 in B by Johann Sebastian Bach, which is illustrated by the paintings of Frederick Morgan. Ouverture — Performer: European Archive Rondo — Performer: European Archive Sarabande— Performer: European Archive Bourrée — Performer: European Archive Polonaise Double — Performer: Ensemble of soloists of the Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Moscow State Philharmonic. Conductor D. Oistrakh. Soloist A. Hoffmann (flute) Menuet— Performer: European Archive Badinerie — Performer: European Archive The four orchestral suites, BWV 1066–1069 are four suites by Johann Sebastian Bach. The name ouverture refers only in part to the opening movement in the style of the French overture, in which a majestic opening section in relatively slow dotted-note rhythm in duple meter is followed by a fast fugal section, then rounded off with a short recapitulation of the opening music. More broadly, the term was used in Baroque Germany for a suite of dance-pieces in French Baroque 
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