9 Good Things About ADHD

My name is Foster, I was diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder at 18 years old. Today I wanted to talk about the strengths of people with ADHD. We’re so commonly told that we aren’t good enough, we’re punished for fidgeting, talking, being impulsive, lacking focus, procrastinating... The list goes on. It feels like almost all of the ADHD symptoms are seen as weaknesses, so I made this list of a few things ADHDers tend to be good at. Neurodiversity is valuable. Neurodivergent people are valuable and we deserve to be seen as unique people with unique strengths, skills and talents. ADHD can be hard sometimes, but here are a few reasons I’m proud to be diagnosed with ADHD. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Watch Next: Laziness vs ADHD: ADHD/Autism Sensory Issues: ADHD/Autism Stimming: _
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