SOUL (ДУША) Premiere

AUGUST 31 Indian time Moscow time The film shows the suffering of a conditioned soul in this world who suffers without a relationship with the God ... we tried to show all the absurdity and vanity of the material world, in which it is impossible to find eternal happiness ... how people try to fill the void inside in different ways ... but from this disappointment grows even stronger ... Until a person starts looking for a way out ... This film shows the amazing transformation of the girl’s state ... From complete hopelessness and depression to a state of peace and relaxation. We will be grateful for your feedback after the premiere of the film in the comments. A large team of devotees worked, everyone will be pleased to see the feedback. Подношение от нашей харинама санги в 125 летний юбилей Шриле Прабхупаде!!! Как благодарность за всё, что он сделал для нас. Не пропустите! Фильм показывает страдания обусловленной души в этом мире, которая мучается без отношений со Всевышним... мы постарались
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