Azula - Losing Your Memory

“I know what you really think of me. You think I’m a monster.“ Tumblr: Twitter: #!/AviiAvatar (if you don’t like voice-over overuse, you should probably skip the first 50 sec. herpderp. and yes, I am aware some (voice/)clips are re-used. that was intentional.) Full essay-kind-of-thing I wrote for Azula here: If you know me, you probably know how in love I am with complicated characters, and therefore point I’m trying to make in this video, is showing you how much Azula’s actions, feelings, emotions are influenced by others, Ursa especially. Azula has always believed Ursa thought she was a monster. Children in particular are overly vulnerable to things like this: they go and act the way others expect them to, what’s the point in proving them wrong? If think say so, it’s probably true. So
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