12 new weapons + the NEW map train dodge - Battlefield Hardline

11 new weapons, One new gadget - SAR 21 (Operator only) - G17 RACE (all class pistol) - MP5SD (all class PDW) - 1887 (all class) - AWS (all class) - UMP9 (mechanic only) - Mp5 navy (with the yellow skin) (cop only - Mechanic) - AUG para (Criminal only - Mechanic) - Beretta M12 (SMG) (cop only - Mechanic) - M14 Sage (enforcer only) - M12 mod1 (professional only) - RF Jammer (Mechanic Gadget) - A new import tuner car and more damn Easter eggs (See end) - And a gamemode called, Capture the bag (CTB/CTF) T
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