JavaScript HTML Game Development Tutorial 3 - Tile Map Theory for RPG games like Zelda

Download source code for tutorial series here: For my game dev updates visit: The theory behind building a JavaScript HTML5 tiled map game world summarized in 20 minutes. This is one of the first tutorials in the tile map tutorial / game world creation series where we continue progressing our game engine! Materials from the tutorial: JavaScript Fiddle source code for sprite rendering, in preparation for tile map engine development from scratch, containing all JavaScript canvas sprite rendering functions (rotate, stretch, tile, etc.) This tutorial is only a starting point for beginner JavaScript game engine developers. That is, if you are interested in a 2D tile map engine, don’t want to use game maker software, but don’t know where to start, but still want to make games like Zelda or Mario. I am not against game maker software such as unity, construct 2, gamemaker studio, unreal engine, clickteam fusion,
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