[HD FANVID] | It’s You | EUNHAE | 赫海*

禁二傳或刪去LOGO! Please do not re-upload! 影片設有高清! Watch in HD! 這首歌好甜蜜好甜蜜, 我一邊做一邊在傻笑 :D 赫海在SJM宣傳BREAK DOWN時真的很高調!! 這倆口子到中國就是為了秀恩愛的 ^^ 所以說赫宰能加入SJM真的是SM這輩子做得最好的決定.. :) 然後這段影片基本上都是用新的視頻做, 感覺好爽! XD 希望大家喜歡! 歡迎留言 :) This song from the SJM new album is really cute and sweet, I can’t help smiling throughout editing :D Eunhae is going really high profile during this promotion! They come not to work but to show off how sweet they are obviously. :P It could be the rightest thing SM could ever do by putting Hyukjae into
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