Eda x Serkan || Back To December

Well hello there ... it’s been a while. I’m terribly sorry for sort of vanishing from YouTube. Not even particularly for the lack of uploads but for not having replied to so many of your lovely comments. I hope you are know that I still appreciate them so, so much and that I read every single one of them with the biggest smile (well apart from the porn bot ones maybe :D). I hope I will get to replying to them at some point but for now, just in case, let me already say the biggest THANK YOU. To each and everyone who comments on and/or (still) watches my edits. I’m so glad to have you. So this one is for all of you. ♡ Somehow I’ve gotten the impression that quite a lot of people in the SCK fandom are not only EdSer stans but Swifties as well? I hope that is correct cause it was the main reason for this edit, ahahah - apart from the fact that the lyrics obviously are very fitting (for Edser as well as the date). I hope you enjoy this one - even if you don’t consider yourself a Swiftie. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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