[Night 7] Multi-Perspective Process Mining and Verification
The lion’s share of attention in BPM has been on the control-flow perspective of process models, namely on the ordering of activities, thereby ignoring the view on data-driven decisions, and the constraints on resources and time (e.g. deadlines). Models that only focus on the control flow tend to be less precise, thus enabling executions that the real process constraints would disallow. Therefore, the application of, e.g., process mining techniques becomes less insightful, due to conclusions based on an imprecise model. As an example, checking the conformance of an imprecise/underfitting model may yield to diagnose unfitting traces as fitting. This talk will touch upon the multi-perspective process conformance checking, along with a discussion on how to discover a process model that incorporates perspectives other than the only control flow. Finally, the discussion will also be on how to verify that multi-perspective process models are sound. Verification of model soundness is crucial when the models are used