Healing Ocean Waves & Theta + Alpha binaural deep sleep meditation Remove all negative blockages

Healing Ocean Waves & Theta Alpha binaural deep sleep meditation Remove all negative blockages 8 hour Black screen It’s beneficial when you feel lonely and in a situation like not doing anything. The Angel Number frequency of 4Hz 11Hz binary waves - helps to tune into the present moment and connect to the spiritual Love and angelic Energy that is available to us at any time, wherever we are and wherever we go. This frequency is here for you as a spiritual source of love and healing, given to you by your guardian angel, your spirit guide, or however you call your own spiritual source. The music in this video is an original 11 Hz Angel Number frequency composition and has not been artificially tuned to the frequency of 4Hz afterwards. I am convinced that, composing 1111 Hz music in its original frequency, will lead to better results when it comes to deploying the positive spiritual energy of this particular Angel Number frequency. According to numerology, the number 11 is a “Ma
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