Screaming Mad George’s ParanoiaScape (PS1) Translated Playthrough - NintendoComplete

A playthrough of Mathilda’s 1998 horror-themed pinball/action game for the Sony PlayStation, Screaming Mad George’s ParanoiaScape (パラノイアスケープ). I translated the in-game Japanese text and edited it into the video, hopefully making this fantastically bizarre title a bit more accessible to western audiences. ParanoiaScape is, as the game tells you several times, the warped product of “Screaming Mad George,“ Jouji (George) Tani, who was a Hollywood special effects artist best known for his work on Predator and Nightmare on Elm Street 4. With credentials like those, maybe it’s not such a surprise that this game is, unabashedly and unapologetically, a stream of nightmare fuel aimed directly at your face. It resembles a pinball game, is all in 3D, and is played from a behind-the-ball perspective. That by itself would make it somewhat unique, but the ball is a flaming brain, the paddles are made of human
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