Hermes - Epic Music Orchestra for the God of Luck - Ancient Gods

Son of Zeus and Maia, Hermes is the messenger of the Gods. He cuts the sky with a stroke of light and guides the souls of the dead to the underworld. Inventor of the syrinx (panpipes), player of the lyre, he is also the inventor of weights and measures. It is also known as the god of travelers, thieves, orators, traders and guardian of the roads. ********** Please, subscribe for more contents ► :) Visit my website : And let’s become friends :) : #EpicMusic #GreekMusic #Hermes -------------------------------------------------------------- Fils de Zeus et de Maïa, Hermès est le messager des Dieux. Il pourfend le ciel d’un trait de lumière et guide les âmes des défunts aux enfers. Inventeur du syrinx (flûte de Pan), joueur de lyre, il est éga
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