Select Clips from Scrapped Training Montage Promo

Boredom, Alcohol, and dangerous combination. At the most lucrative end of the spectrum, they result in crystal meth. But there’s a much uglier potential result: bad wrestling promos. When visiting the unacknowledged hardcore capital recently, my ennui and penchant for the bottle overpowered by better judgement, and I convinced my sister to film some skits for a Rocky IV-inspired training montage. After beating her mercilessly for being unfamiliar with Ivan Drago, we proceeded to spend the better part of an afternoon capturing largely-unusable footage. The camera was bad, the audio was mostly-unintelligible, and I got straw in places that medical science hasn’t yet developed the tools to access. While the promo had to be scrapped and the majority of the footage was useless, I’ve compiled a small cross-section of watchable clips so the afternoon wasn’t a total waste (it was), and put it to the University of Northern Iowa’s marching band rendition of “Eye of the Tiger"
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