Why High Resolution Isn’t Always A Good Thing

Head to to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code INDEPTHCINE What is it with this recent obsession with high resolution images? Let’s talk a bit about what resolution actually is and why I think high resolution in cinema isn’t always a good thing. MERCH: Official IDC Merch: SOCIALS: Instagram: Patreon: IDC Website: My Website: Discord: GEAR: YouTube Gear I Use: Editing Software I Use: Music I Use: (CODE ’IDC10’ for 10% off) Stock Footage: Cinematography Gear I Use: MUSIC: Steven Beddall - ’Pearly Whites’ Trevor Kowalski - ’Katydid’ Maya Pacziga - ’Winter In Paris’ Ottom - ’Beam’ S
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