Dino King 3D:Journey to Fire Mountain | A New Home
Speckles,Fang,Cy,Junior,Blue,Blade,and Dusty try to push away the rocks that were blocking the way out,but can’ suddenly,the monster rises out of the lava,roaring in has an idea and tells the others to move calls o the monster and taunts him,causing the monster to jump out on ,Speckles jumps out of the way and the monster crashes into the wall of the cave,opening the all run out of the safe,they look at the beautiful view of their new and Dusty ran and play on the tells Speckles and Fang that it’s time for him to return to his own kind and Speckles thanks bids her farewell and tells Cy that she’s just sad she didn’t get to find out how he of them laugh and Cy asks for a kiss before he tells him to zip it and Cy tells her some information about Speckles and starts to and Fang thank Cy and nuzzle their they all begin a new life together.
{Speckles and Blu