Sweater Weather - An IndieFolkAcoustic Playlist Vol. 2
💿 Tracklist:
0:00 Tim Halperin - ‘Always Be Like This’
/ timhalperin
4:08 Amistat - ‘seasons (acoustic)’
/ amistatmusic
7:39 Danica Dora & Jake Etheridge - ‘You Remind Me’
/ danicadora
/ jetheridgemusic
10:41 Winona Oak - ‘Fragile Thing (Acoustic Version)’
/ winonaoak
13:19 June Amiss - ‘End In The Cold’
16:14 Luna Shadows - ‘little rituals (end of summer version)’
/ lunaxshadows
19:35 Arms Akimbo - ‘The Party (Acoustic)’
/ armsakimboband
23:35 Laden Valley & The Ballroom Thieves - ‘There Was A Light’
/ ladenvalley
/ ballroomthieves
27:07 Leah Haworth - ‘The Space He Left’
/ leahhaworth123
30:41 Kanako Yamamoto - ‘Unfold’
/ kanako1108_
34:01 Children of Indigo - ‘Yesterday’
/ childrenofindigo
37:32 Aisha Badru - ‘Side of the Moon’
40:36 Shallow Alcove - ‘Waiting for the Tulips’
/ shallowalcove
43:23 Grayson Lenner - ‘Never Left’
/ graysonlennermusic
47:05 Evan Crommett - ‘To Be Gentle’
51:46 Black Lilys & Mike McKenzie - ‘Shelter (Years Later)’
/ black_lilys
/ mikemckenzieonline
55:44 Ewan J Phillips - ‘In Spectra (alexrainbirdSession)’
/ alexrainbirdsessions
/ ewanjphillips
1:00:00 Harrison Storm - ‘You Beside Me’
/ harrisonstormmusic
/ brittonymay
1:02:44 Art Music - ‘Young Heart’
/ artmusic_royalty_free
1:04:48 Our Atlantic Roots - ‘Honey and Cinnamon’
/ ouratlanticroots
1:08:38 Bess Atwell - ‘I Am Awake’
/ bessatwell
1:11:43 Scott Jackson - ‘Silver Moon’
/ sjacksonmusic
1:15:07 Son of the Challenger - ‘Web of Whimsy’
/ sonofthechallenger
1:18:37 RYD - ‘Kansas’
/ rydmusic
1:22:21 Benjamin Finney - ‘Murmuration’
/ benjaminfinney_
1:25:55 Bre Kennedy - ‘The Vase (Stripped)’
/ iambrekennedy
1:29:35 Natalie Holmes - ‘Dropslide (alexrainbirdSession)’
/ alexrainbirdsessions
/ _natalieholmes
1:34:56 Anderson Hao - ‘everyone before’
/ mukshroom
1:38:46 Aisha Badru - ‘Thankful to Be Here’
1:41:22 The Franklin Electric - ‘Is it What You Wanted’
/ franklinelectric
1:46:07 Art Music - ‘Take Me to the Mountains’
/ artmusic_royalty_free
1:47:43 Ross Thorn - ‘Saturday Mourning’
1:52:29 Heath Lancaster - ‘What Can You Say’
/ heathlancastermusic
1:57:10 Mary Bragg - ‘Limelight (feat. Brady Stablein)’
/ marybragg
2:01:07 Andrew Denison - ‘Let it Rain’
/ andrew_denison_
2:03:31 Lily Kershaw - ‘This Isn’t Final’
/ lilykershaw
2:05:46 Ace Landauer - ‘Nihilism’
/ acelandauermusic
2:08:57 Saracci - ‘Silhouette’
/ saraccimusic
2:12:35 Genna Matthew - ‘Rise’
/ gennamatthew
2:17:03 Christina Cavazos - ‘Can’t Get Worse’
2:20:10 The Bed Heads - ‘Penelope’
/ thebedheadsmusic