English Grammar: possessive + gerund (his being, the man’s having)

Your being here on my YouTube channel is a sign that you are serious about studying grammar. Which is probably why you want to know how to construct sentences like the previous one. This uses a combination of a possessive adjective (my, your, her, or ______’s) with a gerund. The construct acts as a normal noun subject or object in a clause, with the gerund signifying an activity, and the possessive showing who the activity “belong” to, or more simply, who is doing it. In this video I demonstrate how to create this construct and provide several examples. I love you singing. I love your singing (both are correct, but the meanings are different-- see video for details) Don’t forget to visit for more of our original content. See our Idea Banks (full of useful vocab): Would you like to help make Write to the Top even better? Support us:
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