How ironic it is for US to make “the big cannot bullying the small“ remarks on Ukraine crisis

Macau Monthly: The US State Department spokesperson said the other day that the basic tenet of the international order for the past 70 years that “big countries cannot bully small countries” has been violated in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. What is your comment? Zhao Lijian: How ironic it is for the US to say “big countries cannot bully small countries”. If the US can reflect on what it did to Cuba and Panama in 1960s, Grenada in 1980s, Yugoslavia in 1990s, Afghanistan and Iraq at the start of this century, and Syria and Libya afterwards, it would find that these are textbook examples of big countries bullying small countries. Why hasn’t the US said a word about these facts? The US should wear label of the big bullying the small well. The fundamental way to resolve the Ukraine crisis lies in ceasefire, followed by dialogue and negotiation, rather than “rules-based order” unilaterally defined according to one’s own standards, still less coercing others to pick sides and creating the c
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