An American Learns Why Ukrainians in the West Hate Ukrainians in the East - RT Documentaries

“If I die in the special operations zone, remember that an American journalist was killed by American weapons used against civilians“, wrote independent journalist Tofurious Maximus Crane from the US when he went to Donetsk to witness the events in Donbas in the field. On his very first day in Donetsk, Tofurious was shot at on a street where there were no military targets or soldiers. What surprised him most was the calmness of the inhabitants. Over the past 9 years, shelling has become a routine for residents. Crane witnessed the destruction of residential areas, where Ukrainian soldiers took shelter in civilian apartments. The civilians are constantly in the line of fire of Ukrainian nationalists. A Ukrainian prisoner of war testifies how he was forcibly recruited and says that Ukrainian soldiers were trained in Britain and Poland. A Ukrainian priest says that Ukrainians (in the West) hate Ukrainians in the East for three reasons. They speak Russian, they reject the Naz
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