[ESO Songs] Elsweyr - The Song of Khunzar-ri

One out of five new songs found in Elsweyr. Sung by Emily O’Brien (Khamira’s voice). When the sixteen kingdoms were only sixteen tribes, A hero ambled forth, all tall and tough and wise, How sleek he is! How fragrant! A five-claw? No, a ten! He wrestles giants just for fun and charges into senche’s den! CHORUS Who is he? Khunzar-ri! Khunzar-ri! Sing it loud, sing it clear. Fighter, lover, poet, thief. He’s one Khajiit to cheer! Who is he? Khunzar-ri! Khunzar-ri! Sing it proud, sing it strong! Brave and sly, rarely shy. He never steers you wrong! No dungeon cage can hold him, no lock can bar his way, Some stories claim that he’s a god, or so they say, He dragged the light from Jone and Jode down to the growing fields, And now we have moon-sugar and all the good it yields. CHORUS Who is he? Khunzar-ri! Khunzar-ri! Sing it loud, sing it clear. Fighter, lover, poet, thief. He’s one Khajiit to cheer! Who is he? Khunzar-ri! Khunzar-ri! Sing it proud, sing it strong! Brave and sly, rarely shy. He never steers you wrong!
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