Being different from the crowd means to be a potential outcast in a formed system is either going to “chew you up and spit you out“ to the “margins of society“ or turn you into one of its adherents trying to protect the principles of the system often treat “the weirdos“ as a threat whatever the distinctive say that something is wrong with your skin colour, your sexual orientation, your gender,your religious beliefs and your world view!Xenophobia is to feel distaste for someone or something strange, to treat something strange as unacceptable. But in the modern world with easy access to unlimited information there’s no place to blind deep-rooted prejudices.
В сформированном обществе, быть отличным от общей массы, значит быть потенциальным изгоем. Система либо “пережует тебя и выплюнет“ на “обочины жизни“, либо обратит в одного из своих адептов. Независимо от отличительных параметров, адепты зачастую воспри
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