In an alternate universe where Mila Kunis dons the iconic Iron Man suit, a new legend unfolds. With rhymes that dance and words that sing, this poem explores her journey as she battles evil with grace and courage. From the gleaming repulsors to the beating heart beneath the armor, Mila Kunis proves that heroes come in all forms, inspiring hope and igniting imaginations along the way.
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4 weeks ago 00:03:49 1
Дэн Содер - про русский акцент и русских (Dan Soder fake Russian accent)
1 month ago 00:26:43 1
Уничтожение Глюкозы. Собчак, Фадеев это грязь. Дно Прилучного. Киркоров обвинения в ЛГБТ. Пи Дидди