NASA SLS is unaffordable! Starship’s cost dealing shocked NASA, SpaceX to save NASA?
NASA SLS is unaffordable! Starship’s cost dealing shocked NASA, SpaceX to save NASA?
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Roscosmos TV: @tvroscosmos
Christian Debney: @christiandebney1989
NASA SLS is unaffordable! Starship’s cost dealing shocked NASA, SpaceX to save NASA?
Today, we stand at the threshold of a golden age in space exploration. The ability of humans to return to the moon is one of the most noteworthy missions. Renowned for its pioneering missions in this endeavor is NASA’s Space Launch System or SLS. To be honest, it’s quite difficult to put into words what one feels about this rocket.
It is a massive and complex machine that represents a significant technological achievement for NASA. However, it cannot be denied that it comes with a colossal cost, continuous delays, and a sense of obsolescence that seems to mark an end rather than a beginning. This is perhaps the final gasp of NASA’s Apollo era, which has hindered the space agency for six decades.
NASA has finally acknowledged what everyone already knows: SLS is unaffordable and no longer capable of surpassing Elon Musk’s SpaceX!
Stay tuned as we dive and more in this episode of Alpha Tech!
NASA SLS is unaffordable! Starship’s cost dealing shocked NASA, SpaceX to save NASA?
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