Let’s take a look at all the features and workflows of the new Ableton Push as well as steps to set it up straight out of the box.
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#abletonpush #push3 #learnpush #standalone #expressivepads
00:00 Introduction to Push 3
01:12 Unboxing Push
01:31 Switching on your Push for the first time
01:47 Authorizing Live
02:20 Installing Packs
02:40 Using Push’s expressive pads
02:55 Selecting an MPE-compatible instrument
03:20 Bending and sliding notes
03:52 Opening and closing the filter with Slide
04:08 Using Pressure to change the expression of each note
04:24 Creating different drum sounds with Slide
05:02 Using Capture MIDI to save what you’ve just played
05:25 Using the step sequencer
05:45 Using the Repeat button to sequence evenly spaced notes
06:00 Adjusting timing, velocity and probability in the Clip Edit view
06:20 Exploring the different drum layouts
06:47 Recording automation
07:02 Using Push’s melodic step sequencers
07:49 Recording and warping samples
08:30 Editing the start point of a loop
08:52 Changing the warping algorithm
09:12 Converting the sample to a Simpler device
09:34 Using Slide to pitch bend samples during playback
09:55 Slicing samples and recording patterns in Simpler
11:04 Controlling and recording external instruments with MIDI
12:07 Adding Audio Effects to the incoming signal
12:27 Recording control messages from your hardware into the MIDI clip
12:55 Using Push to control your modular setup
13:33 Using Session View on Push
14:32: Using Mix Mode on Push
15:10: Transferring Sets, samples and presets to Live on your computer
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