In Finland We Have This Thing

We Finns are a proud people. And for good reason. For centuries we have fought off all kinds of invaders, from near and far, from east and west. Armies with hundredfold the amount of soldiers have not been a threat to us in the past. Our beautiful country has plenty of natural resources; forest, ore, fresh water and blueberries, only to name a few. So it is understandable that other nations want to expand into our pristine environments. But I doubt that has been the primary reason for expansion. There must be another reaon. The only conclusion I have come to is that the foreign invaders have tried to occupy the tenacity and strength we Finns have, to obtain what we call Sisu. But they have failed to understand (time after time) that the sisu, as a lion, cannot be occupied and contained, at least not in it’s pure form and essence. So even if we don’t have any (wild) lions in Finland, the strength and courage of a lion is something we all carry with us. You can admire it, get inspired by it
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