François Gissy Bicycle World Record 207 mph 333 km/h
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On November 7th of 2014, on the famous Circuit Paul Ricard located at Le Castellet in South of France, François Gissy has reached an incredible speed of 333 km/h on the rocket-propelled bicycle designed by his friend Arnold Neracher. More than 300 km/h on a skinny and completely stripped bicycle, this is amazing, and crazy! Who thought that one
3 years ago 00:02:22 1
Rocket Bicycle World Record ǀ 333 km/h (207 mph) ǀ Rider: François Gissy
4 years ago 00:03:28 1
François Gissy Bicycle World Record 207 mph 333 km/h
5 years ago 00:01:49 36
261 kph WATER ROCKET TRIKE ǀ 0-100 kph in second () ǀ Rider: François Gissy
5 years ago 00:03:28 207
Разогнался на велосипеде до 333 километров в час
7 years ago 00:01:37 1
Bicicleta a 263 km/h
10 years ago 00:03:28 213
François Gissy Bicycle World Record 207 mph 333 km h
10 years ago 00:00:31 13
François Gissy Bicycle World Record 2 Bicycle versus FERRARI 430
11 years ago 00:01:11 12
Велосипед с реактивным двигателем установил мировой рекорд