Teenage girl in critical condition after brutal assault near Missouri high school

A teenage girl is in critical condition after another teen repeatedly smashed her head into the ground during a brawl near a Missouri high school. The fight broke out at about 2:30 pm Friday near Hazelwood High School. Video of the incident circulated on social media showing another girl bashing the teen’s head into the concrete after throwing multiple punches and sending her careening to the ground. The victim appeared to begin to have a seizure as groups of other teens brawled just feet away. Police found the girl suffering from a serious head injury near the intersection of Norgate Drive and Claudine Drive, roughly a five-minute walk from the high school campus. The teen, whose name has not been released, was taken to the hospital and remains in critical condition. A 15-year-old girl was arrested Saturday and charged with assault. She was taken to the St. Louis County Family Court and remained in custody as of Sunday afternoon. #hazelwood #Missouri #assault Daily Mail Homepage: Daily Mail Facebook: Daily Mail IG: Daily Mail Snap: Daily Mail Twitter: Daily Mail Pinterest: Get the free Daily Mail mobile app:
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