Painting and Weathering Scale Model Tank Tracks - A Quick Guide!
In this quick tutorial I show how I painted and weathered resin tracks by Panzerart.
From assembling to painting them using acrylic paints to full weathering for a dry summer time finish. For this I used enamel products like Dry Earth and Loose Ground by AMIG or Kursk Summer Earth by AK Interactive. Additional details were rubber abraison I created with watercolour pencils. And in the final presentation you can have a look at them mounted to my Panther D Tank scale model.
I hope this step by step guide is helpfull for one or two of you and I can show some techniques for beginners and veterans. Please let me know what you think about it. I would love to read your feedback and cronstuctive criticism. And if you liked what you saw, please consider supporting me by subscribing.
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Hier findet Ihr den Podcast wenn Ihr neugierig geworden seid, oder (fast) überall wo es Podcasts gibt:
00:00 intro
00:26 assembling resin tracks without super glue
01:11 painting tank tracks with airbrush made easy
02:38 painting blanc contact points of model tracks
04:33 making an acrylic wash over resin tracks
05:17 adding dirt and mud using enamel earth products
07:46 simulating rubber abrasion on scale model tracks
09:35 final presentation
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painting and weathering tank tracks
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how to weather scale model tank tracks
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tank track weathering
weathering tank tracks
scale model tank tracks
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painting and weathering resin tracks
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acrylic metal paints
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step by step tutorial
AK Interactive enamel products washes paints
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1 month ago 00:31:53 7
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