Winners of 카드(KARD) ’ Ring The Alarm’ Choreography Cover Contest
Winners of 카드(KARD) ’ Ring The Alarm’ Choreography Cover Contest
[개인(Individual) 1위] Ady (멕시코 México)
[개인(Individual) 2위] Tạ Huy Đức (베트남 Vietnam)
[개인(Individual) 3위] Lina (그리스 Greece)
[단체(Team) 1위] B-Wild (베트남 Vietnam)
[단체(Team) 2위] Chocomint (홍콩 Hong Kong)
[단체(Team) 3위] Pony Squad Official (스페인 Spain)
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입상하신 분들께서는 경품을 수령하실 이름, 연락처, 주소를 1thek@으로 보내주세요.
(All winners please e-mail your name, address and phone number at 1thek@)
KARD 5th Mini Album ’Re:’
KARD ’Ring The Alarm’ MV 👉🏻
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