2023 IPMS Nationals - Scale Model Excellence | HobbyView

The super big annual plastic model show in America (San Marcos, TX) was close to home this year so I just had to go. As a bonus, I was able to judge a category! --------------------------------------------------------------- IPMS links: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Viewer Discounts: → Get the Freshest CA glues in the market at Starbond: -Use Code HOBBYVIEW at checkout to save 10% OFF on your purchase” → New PCBWay customers get a free $5 coupon. (for standard 1-2 layers PCBs, viewers could get 5-10 pieces for free for their first order). → Consider RTL Fasteners for your next build: - Use coupon code HOBBYVIEW30 at checkout for great savings on your purchase” → Sequre: HobbyView viewers can get discount if you
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